Wednesday, October 28, 2009

iMovie Presentation

So here is my MultiMedia Presentation on iMovie and the uses of iMovie within the classroom. Although iMovie is a proprietary Mac-only software application, if a teacher or school has access to iMovie on Macs within their computer labs, this is a brilliantly easy, drag and drop movie editing software application that allows for some decently advanced techniques like voice-over, clip adjusting, video adjustments, titling. You can use still photos from iPhoto, movie clips from slides made in Powerpoint or Keynote, video captured on digital cameras, video cameras, or webcams (like i used).
In the class, this can be used to create more engaging presentations, video diaries, video journals, blogs, quick and easy assignment explanations that can be posted to classroom websites...the list goes on. And the ease of use makes this (like all the other iLife and Mac software packages) quickly adaptable to any level of user who is willing to give the software a shot and tinker around for a bit. There are great online tutorials available from to assist with any other questions that the user might have as well...Hope you enjoy my video!

1 comment:

  1. Yep, I stayed tuned in until the end. That was fun. Thanks, and I'll be sharing this with others.
